

Very few people in the world are born public speakers. For those lucky few, the thought of speaking in front of people may fill them with anticipation and excitement. For most of us, that’s not the case. We have to learn public speaking skills. Then we have to practice until we reach the point where we can walk on stage with courage and confidence.  If…

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Are you tired of feeling stuck in the same old routine? Many entrepreneurs find themselves in this situation once the business gets up and running. The frantic pace of starting the company has waned, and the day-to-day activities of running it have kicked in. Without you knowing it, your view has shrunken until all you can see is the pile of papers on your desk….

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The term networking has gotten a bad rap over the past few years. Networking evokes an image of large conference rooms or local bars filled with people in business attire who’ve come to the event to see if they can drum up some business. Often, these people aren’t shy about trying to sell you something on the spot. They have no interest in you or…

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May is graduation season, and high school seniors across the country are getting ready to move into their college years. It’s very common in the US to pick a major early on and then stick with it all the way through college. At the end, students graduate with a specialized degree in business, medicine, graphic design, or some other chosen field. Specializing in one field…

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The start of a new year brings myriad opportunities for personal and professional growth to those who are willing to take action. Many successful entrepreneurs take the first month of the year to set goals and plan the company’s trajectory, knowing that no one can hit the target if it doesn’t exist or they don’t know where it is. Setting goals and communicating them to…

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Many people go to work every day because they have to, not because they want to. They have to pay the bills. They have to earn a living. These people don’t enjoy what they do. Or maybe they like it okay — they don’t hate it — but it doesn’t generate excitement and enthusiasm in them. Maybe it’s the job that’s boring. Maybe they’re not…

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For so many people, getting up on time in the morning is a struggle. Coming up with a morning routine that you look forward to and that keeps you motivated may be the key to struggling no more. Try implementing any one of these suggestions and notice how it affects the rest of your day! Your routine starts the night before. What many don’t realize…

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It’s no secret that today’s business leaders are tasked with decisions they never thought they’d have to make.  These questions and more are being examined by business owners and C-level managers worldwide as companies tentatively emerge from pandemic status like Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhog Day.  It’s Time for a New Game In his book The Infinite Game, author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek provides guidance…

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Failing is an inevitable part of human life. The more effective we are at learning from it and bouncing back better than we were before, the more successful we will be! Having a better understanding of failure can help us take a more objective, unemotional approach, and will help us recover quickly, taking as much positive as we can from the experience. Here are the…

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Spring is finally here. With flowers and trees budding all around us, I thought maybe it was time to talk a little bit about growing things, specifically, how to grow a business. During my journey over the past five years, I’ve been able to grow my roofing business significantly in spite of what some might think of as major setbacks. Any of you can do…

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Living through a pandemic is something none of us anticipated we’d do in our lifetime. But here we are. Many employees have had to change their habits and start doing things differently. Many work from home now, and some may never go back to an office environment.  Salespeople have had to adapt, as well. Although it’s common for field salespeople to work from home, the…

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I’ve been in sales for a long time. I’ve seen trends come and go and come back again. It’s always interesting to watch old ideas become new again. Since we’re still close to the beginning of this year, I thought I’d recap a few of the top sales trends for 2021. Perhaps you have a special method of getting past gatekeepers to reach the decision…

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As we begin a new and, hopefully, more positive year, ask yourself this question: Are you the person you want to be? If the answer is no, listen up. There are ways to fix that. In his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza, renowned author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor, explains how to untangle negative ways of thinking and create more positive,…

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What a month this has been! My (new) heart is full of gratitude for the many blessings I’ve received in my life, especially in the past couple of weeks. For those who don’t know my story, you’ll find it documented in my blog post entitled, The Beat of Faith. I finally worked my way to the top of the heart transplant list, so I spent…

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With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, it seems appropriate to talk a little bit about the power of giving thanks and living a life filled with gratitude. It’s been a challenging year, to say the least, and I’m guessing that many people may have to dig a little deeper this year to find things to be grateful for. Maybe these notes will help. Dr. Robert…

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Do you remember Aesop’s Fable called The Hare and the Tortoise? The hare thought he was pretty darn smart because he was so fast. He challenged Mr. Tortoise to a race because he was so sure he’d win. But guess what? Mr. Hare was also cocky, so cocky that he actually took a nap while he waited for Mr. Tortoise to catch up. By the…

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Practice As with any skill, positive thinking is something that takes time and effort to develop. Human beings are undeniably creatures of habit, so nothing feels natural until we’ve done it several times in a row consistently. If you’re having trouble keeping your thoughts on the positive side at first, there’s no need to beat yourself up; your brain is still rewiring itself and it’s…

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As any parent knows, their children depend on them to teach them the skills and lessons they’ll need to succeed in life. In fact, many parents have been called on to go above and beyond this year, filling in as surrogate teachers as their kids finished out the school year at home. Many of us get the basics right. We teach our children to tie…

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