

The start of a new year brings myriad opportunities for personal and professional growth to those who are willing to take action. Many successful entrepreneurs take the first month of the year to set goals and plan the company’s trajectory, knowing that no one can hit the target if it doesn’t exist or they don’t know where it is. Setting goals and communicating them to…

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Many people go to work every day because they have to, not because they want to. They have to pay the bills. They have to earn a living. These people don’t enjoy what they do. Or maybe they like it okay — they don’t hate it — but it doesn’t generate excitement and enthusiasm in them. Maybe it’s the job that’s boring. Maybe they’re not…

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Spring is finally here. With flowers and trees budding all around us, I thought maybe it was time to talk a little bit about growing things, specifically, how to grow a business. During my journey over the past five years, I’ve been able to grow my roofing business significantly in spite of what some might think of as major setbacks. Any of you can do…

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If you’ve ever launched a product or service, you know that it’s no small feat to get it off the ground. Coming up with the business concept, obtaining funding (or pulling together your own resources), developing a prototype or basic service to start with, putting together a sales and marketing plan, and timing the whole thing so that it launches at the most optimum time…

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