

Some business leaders seem to have the Midas touch. Everything they touch turns to gold. Or diamonds. Is it luck? Or is it hard work and perseverance? Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr., the former CEO of Kansas City-based Helzberg Diamonds, has a few things to say on this topic. In his book What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett, he covers many of the…

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As the saying goes, leaders with integrity do the right thing when no one is looking. Integrity drives you to the right thing because it is the correct thing to do; not always the easiest thing, and based in truth. Be very wary when surrounded by people, who instead of saying the truth, they will say what you want to hear. Scared of the truth?…

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When was the last time you showed empathy toward one of your employees? I don’t mean sympathy – feeling sorry for them and their situation. I’m talking about empathy, the ability to see a situation from another’s point of view and feel what they’re feeling. The ability to walk in their shoes, so to speak. Many managers believe that showing empathy is a waste of…

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Times are tough right now, aren’t they? This coronavirus situation has given me a chance to reflect on many aspects of my life and reevaluate my priorities. How many of you are doing the same? One of the things I’m thinking about these days as stores, restaurants, and office buildings open back up for business is the way that many businesses are run. I’m talking,…

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I was in a meeting the other day and was suddenly struck by a thought: Just because a person is at the top of an organization, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a good leader. There are lots of people at the top who aren’t. This notion made me pause, and then I thought, “I wonder how I’m doing?” There are all kinds of leaders and…

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Anyone who knows me knows I’m a high-energy, fun-loving guy. I’m always on the go, making sales, supervising roofing installations, or giving away another roof to a deserving veteran. I love spending time with family and friends, too. I believe that when you have fun, your whole life is better. Many people are just like me. They love to have fun. But that doesn’t translate…

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Let’s talk about a topic that many people don’t give much thought to. I’m talking about the matter of choosing the people you want to work with. It’s an integral part of any business person’s success, but we often get in the habit of taking customers as they walk in the door simply because they walked in the door. And once in a while, we…

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There’s been a lot of hype in recent years about The Law of Attraction. Rhonda Byrne really pushed this concept forward with her movie The Secret, which came out in 2006. Presented in a non-traditional style, this movie really dove into the idea of creating the life you want to live by manifesting things, experiences, and relationships simply by focusing on them intently and single-mindedly….

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When you were a kid, did you ever have friends your parents didn’t approve of? Most of us did. It never seemed fair because our parents didn’t really know them like we did, right? And we thought they were fun kids to hang out with. So why were Mom and Dad so worked up about us being friends with them? It’s probably because our parents…

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Who is that Man in the Mirror?   Let’s talk about honesty and integrity. These are two words that people often associate with successful leaders. And they’re two words that are nearly always tied together when talking about leadership traits. Why is that? Perhaps it’s because it’s hard to be honest in all your dealings without treating people fairly and with integrity in the process….

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Make 2019 a Risk-Filled Year!   I know this blog title is a little unconventional. Most people are warned not to take risks instead of being encouraged to take them. But sometimes the biggest payoffs are in the biggest risks. Without having the courage to take the risk, you miss out on something big. Sometimes really big.   Take Alex Honnold, for example. Alex Honnold,…

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What is your WHY? Many business schools teach that in order to be successful in the marketplace – any marketplace – you have to have a unique selling proposition or USP. It’s what sets you apart from the competition, something that makes the product or service you offer stick in consumers’ minds. Seth Godin called this a Purple Cow in his book by the same…

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Leadership style and philosophy help drive successful organizations. It occurred to me the other day that I’m in the very fortunate position of having had the opportunity to create and run my own businesses. I’ve done it not just once, but several times over the course of my career thus far. I’ve built a mortgage bank from the ground up, starting as a financial advisor,…

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Women are often told there’s no place in business for them and their softer personalities. They’re criticized for being emotional, and they’re ostracized from male-dominated office politics and important client meetings. Men, on the other hand, are taught to be tough. Take no prisoners, get the job done at all costs, and drive that profit margin through the roof. I’ve come to realize over the…

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In this country in the 19th century, trade unionists proposed a holiday to celebrate the impact that workers across the country had on “the strength, prosperity, laws, and well-being of the country.”1 The day become known as Labor Day, celebrated the first Monday in September. For most people, Labor Day is just another three-day weekend, a weekend to make one last trip to the lake…

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