

When you own a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily details of delivering your product or service. In an effort to provide the best customer experience, you may find yourself pitching here, there, and everywhere to help out, move things along, and get the job done. That’s all well and good as long as you have the time for that. But…

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Small business owners are notorious for being so busy focusing on their business that they neglect themselves. After all, keeping a business profitable is no small task, and it can often require unlimited time and attention, especially in the beginning stages. But as the business owner, you bring a huge amount of value to the table and play an extremely important role. As your business…

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Many people go to work every day because they have to, not because they want to. They have to pay the bills. They have to earn a living. These people don’t enjoy what they do. Or maybe they like it okay — they don’t hate it — but it doesn’t generate excitement and enthusiasm in them. Maybe it’s the job that’s boring. Maybe they’re not…

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Entrepreneurial dreams are what drive America forward. But many Entrepreneur learn the hard way through trial and error that running a business is not as easy as dreaming about it. Like a game of musical chairs, players come and go, so business survival is not as predictable as some may imagine. In fact, most startups collapse or become financially-strangled within a few years while only…

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Spring is finally here. With flowers and trees budding all around us, I thought maybe it was time to talk a little bit about growing things, specifically, how to grow a business. During my journey over the past five years, I’ve been able to grow my roofing business significantly in spite of what some might think of as major setbacks. Any of you can do…

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There are several lessons to be learned from the coronavirus pandemic. One of the most impactful, in my opinion, is that it’s never good to take things for granted. When you take things, people, or situations for granted — assuming they’ll always be there, no matter what — you devalue them. Then when they’re gone, it’s a blow that’s hard to recover from. Time to…

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When it comes to being successful in business, you may find there’s a lot of competing advice to sift through. It seems that someone, somewhere always has a better way of doing things than someone else. However, understanding what you should do to make your own profitable company may take time and practice. Thankfully, there are some guidelines that many business leaders swear by when…

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A business that focuses on its role in the local community promotes social good, which in turn enhances the community it is involved in. It will also experience an increase in its visibility among potential customers. Investing your resources and time into improving the quality of life of the local community can be an invaluable section of your business objective as your business evolves. There…

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Small businesses are very important to the local economy. Small businesses are emotionally rooted in the local community because of selling and buying with neighbors and friends. The importance of small and local businesses in the big cities and in the rural areas can be seen and felt in the economic benefits of buying and selling locally. In some villages and towns small firms a…

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Entrepreneurs are Born, Not Made The essence of entrepreneurship begins with the first breath an infant draws. That tiny infant may seem needy and yet, as many an unwitting new parent learns, infant need can be a clue to their future entrepreneurship. Take note of the entrepreneurial punctuality with which the child requires feeding and satisfaction of other basic needs. This is Stage I of…

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Do you remember Aesop’s Fable called The Hare and the Tortoise? The hare thought he was pretty darn smart because he was so fast. He challenged Mr. Tortoise to a race because he was so sure he’d win. But guess what? Mr. Hare was also cocky, so cocky that he actually took a nap while he waited for Mr. Tortoise to catch up. By the…

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Entrepreneurs are very different from one another. However, the most successful business leaders tend to have a few qualities in common. You’ll soon learn the 5 traits of successful entrepreneurs. Discipline If one doesn’t have the discipline to work 60+ hour weeks, carry on when the funding has dried up, or try to fix a fractured business relationship, they will not have the firepower needed…

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With Halloween fast approaching and ghouls and goblins popping up everywhere, it seems like a good time to talk about what scares you. If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s a good chance that you have a whole list of items that strike fear at your very core – regardless of how long you’ve been in business. And this year has been an exceptionally scary one for…

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As an entrepreneur, the main focus is on succeeding in your business ventures. Well, to succeed, you are supposed to change your mindset. You should start thinking like serial entrepreneurs. Some of the questions successful entrepreneurs ask themselves include: 1. What Do I have to Get Me Started Today? Numerous individuals usually focus on owning their own business. To become a successful entrepreneur, you should…

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As any parent knows, their children depend on them to teach them the skills and lessons they’ll need to succeed in life. In fact, many parents have been called on to go above and beyond this year, filling in as surrogate teachers as their kids finished out the school year at home. Many of us get the basics right. We teach our children to tie…

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When you finally have success in one business, you will be able to easily translate what you have learned into a new business. That’s why you see serial entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Tai Lopez continue to find success in new businesses. So what is their secret? Well, serial entrepreneur, Garen Armstrong has found success in multiple industries and can share what he…

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There have been studies and findings that have identified compassion to be an important aspect of a productive working environment. The word compassion is derived from the Latin word which means co-suffering. In most of the religious practices expression of compassion has at all times had a special place. According to the Dalai Lama, one of the most respected preachers of Buddhism, he stated that…

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Some business leaders seem to have the Midas touch. Everything they touch turns to gold. Or diamonds. Is it luck? Or is it hard work and perseverance? Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr., the former CEO of Kansas City-based Helzberg Diamonds, has a few things to say on this topic. In his book What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett, he covers many of the…

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