

The start of a new year brings myriad opportunities for personal and professional growth to those who are willing to take action. Many successful entrepreneurs take the first month of the year to set goals and plan the company’s trajectory, knowing that no one can hit the target if it doesn’t exist or they don’t know where it is. Setting goals and communicating them to…

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Failing is an inevitable part of human life. The more effective we are at learning from it and bouncing back better than we were before, the more successful we will be! Having a better understanding of failure can help us take a more objective, unemotional approach, and will help us recover quickly, taking as much positive as we can from the experience. Here are the…

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There are several lessons to be learned from the coronavirus pandemic. One of the most impactful, in my opinion, is that it’s never good to take things for granted. When you take things, people, or situations for granted — assuming they’ll always be there, no matter what — you devalue them. Then when they’re gone, it’s a blow that’s hard to recover from. Time to…

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If you want to show your appreciation for veterans, you’re guaranteed to find plenty of opportunities to do so. Countless people recognize the sacrifices that these Americans have made to protect their country, uphold the Constitution, and share the values of democracy throughout the world. Sadly, not everyone is proactive in searching for ways to serve this undeniably vulnerable community. Many veterans return home with…

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Engaging in community service provides you with the opportunity to become an active member of the community, which has long-lasting positive outcomes for society at large. Moreover, it benefits your personal development and broadens your perception of the world. Engaging in community development enables you to meet people who are dedicated to better the world, which can manifest in your personal life. The following are…

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As we begin a new and, hopefully, more positive year, ask yourself this question: Are you the person you want to be? If the answer is no, listen up. There are ways to fix that. In his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza, renowned author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor, explains how to untangle negative ways of thinking and create more positive,…

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Happy people are the richest people on earth. Everyone wants to be happy. However, not everyone knows how to become that happy. Well, look at the things that people like Garen Armstrong do all the time. Here are 7 things remarkably happy people do often. ExerciseMind and body are closely connected. If the body feels good, then your mindset will follow. Exercise regularly to get…

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With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, it seems appropriate to talk a little bit about the power of giving thanks and living a life filled with gratitude. It’s been a challenging year, to say the least, and I’m guessing that many people may have to dig a little deeper this year to find things to be grateful for. Maybe these notes will help. Dr. Robert…

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With Halloween fast approaching and ghouls and goblins popping up everywhere, it seems like a good time to talk about what scares you. If you’re an entrepreneur, there’s a good chance that you have a whole list of items that strike fear at your very core – regardless of how long you’ve been in business. And this year has been an exceptionally scary one for…

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No one is perfect every day. Some days we feel like we’re on top of the world. Other days we feel like crawling in a hole. It’s normal to be hard on ourselves, but it’s important we try to find the goodness in each day. We’ve got a few ways to feel good about yourself. Be Your Own Best Friend Look in the mirror at…

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You have a good job, right? You’re doing what you went to college to study, the company benefits are decent, you get along with your boss, and you like most of your co-workers. Yet you still dread going to work every day. You feel like something is missing. Why is that? Before we go any further, take a minute to celebrate. Not everyone has a…

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Some business leaders seem to have the Midas touch. Everything they touch turns to gold. Or diamonds. Is it luck? Or is it hard work and perseverance? Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr., the former CEO of Kansas City-based Helzberg Diamonds, has a few things to say on this topic. In his book What I Learned Before I Sold to Warren Buffett, he covers many of the…

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For those of you who are struggling to find your way towards success, I want to encourage you to look at your failures as the beginning of something big and potentially even more successful. If you take a positive attitude to these failures and learn from them then you can learn to become better and make yourself more motivated.If you examine your failures critically and…

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As a business owner, there have been times when I’ve had to worry about whether the business will make it. When I owned a mortgage company years ago, I understood that a great deal of the success of the business was up to me. Not me alone, but to me as the owner. I was solely responsible for taking the actions and making the decisions…

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We live in crazy times, my friends. In the past week, the world as we know it has gone through drastic changes to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Frequent hand washing, social distancing, working from home, and self-quarantine measures are creating distraction, distress, and disruption for many. Empty grocery shelves and the strangely inexplicable run on toilet paper add to the sense of unreality…

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