Engaging in community service provides you with the opportunity to become an active member of the community, which has long-lasting positive outcomes for society at large. Moreover, it benefits your personal development and broadens your perception of the world. Engaging in community development enables you to meet people who are dedicated to better the world, which can manifest in your personal life. The following are…
Thank you Garen Armstrong, your heart and your vision are tremendously appreciated. It’s no wonder your greatest challenge gives us hope. Good Leaders Fight for OthersWhen overwhelmed with uncertainty, most people tend to close themselves off from the world, hiding behind their confusion and frustration. Nothing could be more true when facing a life-threatening medical condition. Garen Armstrong, a Kansas City business leader, was shocked…
Entrepreneurs are Born, Not Made The essence of entrepreneurship begins with the first breath an infant draws. That tiny infant may seem needy and yet, as many an unwitting new parent learns, infant need can be a clue to their future entrepreneurship. Take note of the entrepreneurial punctuality with which the child requires feeding and satisfaction of other basic needs. This is Stage I of…
Practice As with any skill, positive thinking is something that takes time and effort to develop. Human beings are undeniably creatures of habit, so nothing feels natural until we’ve done it several times in a row consistently. If you’re having trouble keeping your thoughts on the positive side at first, there’s no need to beat yourself up; your brain is still rewiring itself and it’s…
No one is perfect every day. Some days we feel like we’re on top of the world. Other days we feel like crawling in a hole. It’s normal to be hard on ourselves, but it’s important we try to find the goodness in each day. We’ve got a few ways to feel good about yourself. Be Your Own Best Friend Look in the mirror at…
As an entrepreneur, the main focus is on succeeding in your business ventures. Well, to succeed, you are supposed to change your mindset. You should start thinking like serial entrepreneurs. Some of the questions successful entrepreneurs ask themselves include: 1. What Do I have to Get Me Started Today? Numerous individuals usually focus on owning their own business. To become a successful entrepreneur, you should…
Garen Armstrong is a successful businessman in Kansas City. On his website, he describes himself as a Christian, entrepreneur, and business developer. Yet Garen Armstrong also describes himself first in his list of monikers as a servant leader. The best description of servant leadership—and best example—was none other than Jesus Christ. He said in Matthew 20:27, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him…
When you finally have success in one business, you will be able to easily translate what you have learned into a new business. That’s why you see serial entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Tai Lopez continue to find success in new businesses. So what is their secret? Well, serial entrepreneur, Garen Armstrong has found success in multiple industries and can share what he…
If you’re considering taking your Personal Development to a higher level, you need to ask yourself some important questions. For one, why would change be a step forward for you? Additionally, what do you want to improve about yourself? Continue reading for steps you can take for Personal Development. Be Open to New Ideas Being closed off to new ideas will keep you stuck in…
There have been studies and findings that have identified compassion to be an important aspect of a productive working environment. The word compassion is derived from the Latin word which means co-suffering. In most of the religious practices expression of compassion has at all times had a special place. According to the Dalai Lama, one of the most respected preachers of Buddhism, he stated that…
Any of you having a tough time out there staying positive? Positivity can be a tall order at times and it can also make the difference in motivation and focus. What is getting fed more in your mind on a regular basis? Positive thoughts or negative thoughts? It is important to keep a positive outlook. We are surrounded by apprehension and tension because of the…
As the saying goes, leaders with integrity do the right thing when no one is looking. Integrity drives you to the right thing because it is the correct thing to do; not always the easiest thing, and based in truth. Be very wary when surrounded by people, who instead of saying the truth, they will say what you want to hear. Scared of the truth?…
Local Veteran or Active First Responder to Receive Free Replacement Roof Shamrock Roofing and Construction has opened nominations for its “Roof 4 a Hero” campaign, whereby a new replacement roof will be rewarded to a veteran or active first responder (police, fire, EMT, or healthcare worker) living in the Kansas City, Missouri region. “My father was a 23-year veteran who inspired me to help other…
It takes a lot of determination, will power, and positive energy to complete any big project. Many people tend to only want to take a break after completing a project as a means of celebrating their success. Others may have a tendency to dive deep into projects, one after the other, without taking any time to relax, ultimately burning down their storehouse of energy and…
For those of you who are struggling to find your way towards success, I want to encourage you to look at your failures as the beginning of something big and potentially even more successful. If you take a positive attitude to these failures and learn from them then you can learn to become better and make yourself more motivated.If you examine your failures critically and…
Self-respect is a kind of character trait that helps us to have a life worth living. This trait is not always easy to achieve, but it is a very rewarding one when we do attain it. What does self-respect mean to you? How does it apply to your life? Do you have any idea how important it is? Here are a few thoughts on how…
There is something magical about a relationship based on the power of faith. Faith is played out in actions based on your beliefs. This display of your actions relate to every area of you life. It will be on display in your closest relationships, internally withing yourself and how you view others, the world and your higher power. Spiritual connection brings people together and can…
A common area to greatly improve impact and success that I see among young entrepreneurs is their peer choices. Does peer pressure impact their careers? The answer is YES. Some of the reasons are because of the impact and affect on your mindset. Are your friends pushing towards a positive mindset or holding you back? Mindset is one of the most important factors in success…