Employees who are engaged in their work are committed to their companies and go above and beyond their requirements. People want to have satisfaction, support, and be recognized for their work. They want to feel that what they do matters and feel a sense of pride in their job. So that brings the question: What should leaders do to create these engaged employee?

Employee engagement is defined as a positive emotional feeling or connection an employee feels to their role and their workplace as a whole.These employees are passionate about the goals and missions of their work and company. Studies on employee engagement show that management and leadership are some of the most important factors in creating engaged employees. 

Strategies for a leader to model engagement:

These behaviors can help leaders become role models to their teams.

1. Show your team they matter

The culture of many companies has shifted. With people working virtually, remotely, or even moving back to working in the office, it’s important to make conversations matter. Be clear with employees about the values of your organization and how their role fits in the “big picture”. Explain how their work has meaning and how their tasks contribute to the overall strategy and goals of the company.

2. Empower your team

When employees have questions, it’s important to walk through the process with them, even if you don’t have those answers immediately. This ensures they know there is a safe and trusted source that will help guide them. Listen to their point of view and provide a safe learning environment in order to better manage and encourage your team.

3. Encourage innovation

It’s important to create a space where employees feel encouraged to be innovative. Employees often let the pressure of the workload keep them from experimenting or rising to new challenges. Encourage creative solutions by rewarding employees who take risks or try new approaches. Use these times as a learning experience, asking appropriate questions to help your team learn from mistakes and successes. These practices keep your team excited about the future. 

4. Encourage career growth

Employees who grow bored in their career will be harder to re-engage. Checking in with your employees to see if they need new challenges or opportunities is a great leadership skill. Provide opportunities to challenge themselves and test new skills. Allow them to set goals the team can rally behind. Support their decisions to create confidence in their career path.

5. Stretch yourself to become the best leader possible

You want your team to support and follow your lead, so become a leader that they can trust to support their needs. Make sure your actions reflect your intentions and the intentions of the company. You must show respect to people in all levels of your workforce. Show your commitment and follow through on promises to your peers. Celebrate their accomplishments in a creative way to keep them feeling important and worthy of praise.