Self-discipline is a key component of personal development skills that enhances emotional awareness mental strength.

It is defined as one’s ability to find methods for conquering their flaws and to regulate their emotions in healthfully. It’s a notion that one embarks on even if he or she has a desire to just stay the same.

Here are 4 steps on how to develop self discipline.

1. Identify Your Weaknesses

Self-discipline involves identifying your weaknesses, so that you can eventually make them your strengths. It’s a rigorous commitment towards change that only that person understands. As long as he or she reminds their self that there is work involved in this desired transformation, eventually you will not have to deal with that weakness anymore.

2. Be Open-Minded

You may be used to life as you are already living it. However, becoming a self-disciplined person entails being open-minded as well.

Living as you currently are has landed you in your current predicament. Keeping your mind open to new routines and new ways of thinking will reform your mind and make healthy life changes accordingly.

3. Eliminate the Temptations

For people who want to eat healthier, they must remove the sweet treats from their home and not purchase them while on the go.

For individuals who wish to be more productive as freelancers, they should remove temptations such as game consoles and television time (or whatever they spend most of their time doing) to focus more on their line of work.

Whatever you are trying to accomplish, anything to that you spend too much time doing should be eliminated because that is considered the temptation to fall back into your original routine. You are looking to change and not relapse back into your old habits.

4. Set Goals and Stick to Them

Whether you write them on sticky notes and keep them on your bathroom mirror or set them as deadlines on your smartphone, set goals and stick to them. Remember to use the SMART goals method when considering the scope and details of your goals.

  • Smart (It’s a realistic goal that can be done.)
  • Measurable (You set a number on something to know when your goal has been accomplished.)
  • Achievable (It can be reasonably obtained within the specified time frame.)
  • Relevant (It aligns with your desired change in life.)
  • Timely (You are placing a doable and specific time frame on the goal.)

An example of a SMART goal would be to lose 50 pounds in 6 months before summer to be able to fit into your old favorite summer outfit from a few years ago. Over time, a goal like this will help your personal development skills such as:

  • Enhancing your ability to resist temptation.
  • Enforcing your willpower to stay on top of your goal.
  • Interacting with others about your goal to inspire them to change in their own special way in their lives.

Here’s how this example is a SMART goal.

  • Smart: It’s realistic because losing 50 pounds in 6 months is possible.
  • Measurable: You are setting 50 pounds as your goal target.
  • Achievable: It can be reasonably obtained as long as you follow a healthy diet.
  • Relevant: You desire to lose weight to fit into a smaller old favorite summer outfit.
  • Timely: You are giving yourself 6 months to reach the goal.

The Journey to Self-Discipline is Nigh!

Whatever your life’s circumstances, self-discipline will help you to pursue and reach your goals more effectively. Take the first step on how to develop self discipline today.